Piercing Aftercare

Cleaning Instructions

Before cleaning or touching your piercing for any reason, it’s important to thoroughly wash your hands.

During the healing process, it’s recommended to use saline rinse as needed. For certain piercings, it may be easier to apply the saline solution using clean gauze that has been saturated with the solution.

After cleaning, it’s important to rinse the site to remove any cleaning solution residue. It’s not necessary to move or rotate the jewelry during cleaning or rinsing.

To dry the piercing, gently pat it with clean, disposable paper products. Avoid using cloth towels as they can harbor bacteria and snag on the jewelry, which can cause injury.

The Normal Situation

Initially, after getting a piercing, you may experience some bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness, or bruising.

During the healing process, you may notice some discoloration, itching, and secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid (not pus) that will form some crust on the jewelry. The tissue may also tighten around the jewelry as it heals.

Once the piercing is fully healed, the jewelry may not move freely in the piercing, so avoid forcing it. If you fail to clean your piercing regularly, normal but smelly bodily secretions may accumulate.

It’s important to note that a piercing may seem healed before the healing process is complete. This is because tissue heals from the outside in, and although it may feel fine, the interior remains fragile.Be patient and continue cleaning throughout the entire healing period.

Even if a piercing is fully healed, it can still shrink or close in minutes after having been there for years. This varies from person to person, so if you want to keep your piercing, it’s important to keep jewelry in and not leave it empty.


Before touching the piercing, please wash your hands. During the healing process, it is recommended to leave the piercing alone except for cleaning. There is no need to rotate your jewelry during this time.

It is okay to exercise while your piercing is healing, but pay attention to your body’s signals.

To maintain good hygiene, make sure to wash and change your bedding regularly. When sleeping, wear clean, comfortable, and breathable clothing that protects your piercing.

Taking showers is generally safer than taking baths, as bathtubs can harbor bacteria. If you do take a bath, make sure to clean the tub thoroughly before each use and rinse off your piercing after getting out.


Do not use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, antibacterial soaps, iodine, or any harsh products for cleaning as they may damage cells. Also, avoid ointments as they can prevent necessary air circulation.

Refrain from using Bactine®, pierced ear care solutions, and other products containing Benzalkonium Chloride (BZK) as they may cause irritation and are not ideal for long-term wound care.

Over-cleaning can delay healing and irritate your piercing, while friction from clothing, excessive motion of the area, playing with the jewelry, and vigorous cleaning can cause unsightly scar tissue, migration, prolonged healing, and other complications.

Do not engage in oral contact, rough play, or contact with others’ bodily fluids on or near the piercing during healing. Stress and recreational drug use, including excessive caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol should also be avoided.

Do not submerge the piercing in unhygienic bodies of water such as lakes, pools, hot tubs, etc. If necessary, use a waterproof wound sealant bandage to protect your piercing.

Avoid using any beauty and personal care products on or around the piercing, including cosmetics, lotions, and sprays.

Do not hang charms or any object from your jewelry until the piercing is fully healed. Lastly, avoid sleeping directly on a healing cartilage piercing, as it may cause irritation and shifts in the piercing’s angle. Instead, use a travel pillow on top of your pillow and place your ear in the opening to avoid any discomfort.